A couple months in summary

I’m not interested in keeping this blog too personal but I think it’s a useful tool to chronicle the things that I’ve been up to. There’s been a few things that went down that I didn’t mention here, so here we go.

1. Broken Birds


I ran my very first kickstarter for my first doujinshi: Broken Birds about Nanaki and Yuuya post Holiday Star. It was funded thanks to 18 generous donators <3 The next book I publish should be fully original!

Check the kickstarter here if you’re curious for more info. The book is off at the printers’ now and should be available for pre-order soon.

2. Dawn Does GDC


Thanks to Toronto organization Dames Making Games I was able to attend the Game Developers Conference. I tried to make a blog post about it, but the impact it had on me was so stunning I really couldn’t. So much happened. I learned so much. I met so many amazing people. My perspective has changed. And I got my photo taken with Hironobu Sakaguchi.


My hero. These are not things I ever believed would happen in my life.

3. Toronto Comics Arts Festival

I’ll be attending as an exhibitor so please come see me there <3 I’ll have Broken Birds, some other stuff, and some promo material for

4. Those Without Shadows

It’s going to be a while before I do an *official launch* for TWS, but the soft launch is just around the corner. I hope you’re excited!