The Devil is Real – We Know the Devil & Theological Terror

I grew up in a white Christian community with a family that were not passionate Christians. My mother would occasionally decide that yes, this week we’ll be going to church. Every Sunday. For real. She’d pick a church that looked interesting (as long as it wasn’t Catholic) and we’d attend for a few weeks until she worked on a Sunday or was too tired, and the ideal would fall apart. I had the building blocks. I had the cultural osmosis. But I did not have the real experience.

I have a degree in religious studies (sort of) which has led me into a very atypical relationship with it. I love religion, the same way that someone loves science fiction movies. Every day I am a happily non-denominational agnostic, educating people on comparative religious views and why we should say “happy holidays” instead of “merry christmas”. A former roommate has politely asked me on at least one occasion to stop talking about religion. It wasn’t until much later that I understood why. From top to bottom, We Know The Devil made me think of her.


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TWS Belated Blog Post

Due to my attendance at Tracon last weekend, I didn’t have time to make a proper blog post with the release of TWS:M Chapter 2, so here’s a small one now instead.

We’ve been working on getting a nice mobile version going, and after some hiccups, it should be ready soon. Since I manage all of the writing/art and most of the webstuff, I’ll probably be implementing it once I’ve gotten a fair bit of Chapter 3 done. Maybe next week.

In other news, I’ve begun what I hope to be a monthly wallpaper offering:

September Wallpaper preview

Pay what you want for it at gumroad! Patrons are receiving these things for completely free and to their inbox if you wanna join them.

The next con I’m signed up for is Hal-Con in Halifax, although I have no dates or certainty about how to get there.

TWS:M Chapter 2, The Pilgrim

I love to make big lovely blog posts to match my updates, but Tracon is tomorrow and I’ll be vending there. If you’re attending, please come visit for some TWS freebies! I’ll be at Artists’ Alley table 3.

Those Without Shadows: Mind / The Pilgrim / Patreon