TWS – Anna’s Tale Begins! Patreon Launch

Thank you for your patience. Today, Those Without Shadows has updated with Chapter 1: The Prince. It took us quite some time thanks to the boss battle on page 9, which we had to program and create assets for from scratch. I seriously underestimated the amount of time it would take to make those sprites, with all kinds of conventions and traveling happening in the middle of it. I wish it hadn’t taken so long.

With Chapter 1 comes the real hard premiere of Those Without ShadowsThe Prince should make a better example of what the heart of the story will be like, so please help and promote it if you can! Chapter 2, The Pauper does not have a playable segment, so it should be out early September. I hope to update Those Without Shadows with a full chapter once a month.

With the hard premiere of Those Without Shadows I have also launched a Patreon if you’d like to support it. There are lots of goodies available for anyone who does!

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoy.


Those Without Shadows Begins

This post was originally published on on 14.04.15.

Welcome friends and new readers! I hope that this story will means as much to you as it does to me. This one has been long coming down the pipeline and now we’ve finally arrived at a release! Things might be a little buggy as we work things out and the updates will be a little slow while we’re still programming some things on the back-end, but here it is! Please look forward to the story!

Those Without Shadows is a tale that I’m calling a “composite media narrative”, which is to say a story which is told with many creative devices at work. Stories are often defined based on the medium of their publication. While I toyed for a long time referring to Those Without Shadows as a “browser novel”, that removes the aspect of interactivity that is pivotal in the storytelling. While there are several stories like this on the internet, there has not (as far as I know) been a term chosen for tales like this. Often they default to calling themselves “webcomics” because there is a strong visual element comparable to a comic, and published on a browser. Those Without Shadows is more like a novel than a comic, and too interactive to be called a novel. It is a composite media narrative. I can’t decide if I’d rather shorten it to “comena” or “webcomp”.

Please enjoy this not-so-new concept with a shiny new name.
