BACKPOST! Chapter 6: The City complete!

Originally posted 31/05/2018.


Sometime before the previous update of The City game segment, my patreon pledges broke $50 per month. A long time ago I promised that if that happened, I would post the rest of the chapter at once. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice until afterward, but getting the Atini game online was pretty stressful. It was probably for the best that I didn’t worry about having these ready then, too.

But, here they are now!

Stay tuned next week for the debut of Chapter 7: The Conflict.

-Dawn & Team TWS

BACKPOST! Those Without Shadows: Back to weekly updates!

Originally posted 24/05/18.

Hi everybody!

Thank you so much for your patience! Today I’m updating with the next game segment: The City. It might not look like much compared to the other games, but I made it myself! Well, and with the support of Team TWS. Thank you, everyone! Moving forward, I’ve learned a lot about code and will be able to proceed on the game segments faster, by myself! With backup. I really cannot stress how I couldn’t have done this without Sean and Christian.

Now that’s taken care of, I hope to brush up some other things on the site, too. I realize that the game in Chapter 4 is in bad shape, and I can update the credits and about page. Look forward to that too!

From here out, and until further notice, we’ll be doing one page a week again, every Thursday. I hope you stay tuned! :)

-Dawn & Team TWS