Chapter 8: The Hostage, and the TWS soundtrack!

Hi everybody!

Sorry for the delay on updating! It’s been a busy time preparing for the Channel A kickstarter!! So today I’m posting the missing page and the one I should have posted yesterday. I hope you enjoy where this subplot is going!

In addition, my darling Clark Powell has released the Official Those Without Shadows soundtrack! Well, the first part, anyway. There are a few tracks here that haven’t appeared in the story in any way yet! I hope you look forward to some of these. At least one will be appearing in a game in Chapter 9. Please look forward to it, and support Clark!

Now that we’re in the middle of con season, I also wanted to note the cons I’ll be appearing at now that I’ve got that together. You’ll be able to find me at:

DCAF: Dartmouth Comic Arts Festival: August 19th
Capercon: September 21-23rd
Hal-Con: October 26-28th

I hope you come visit me if you’re around!

-Dawn & Team TWS

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