Monthly Archives: May 2023
11 Let’s Read Dracula like a Fujoshi — Fires and Trafficking
Welcome back, Draculas! I missed this blog in the few days that I didn’t get any Dracula Dailies. It’s such a great tool for procrastinating on things I should be doing, just like right now.
But last time I opened up my blog saying it was a beautiful day in Halifax, on the same day that the area erupted into flames. We’ve got rain in the forecast to hopefully stamp it out but, thanks to a lot of fallen trees last year in a nasty hurricane, plus climate change, there’s a lot of dead wood lying around and waiting to burn. Lost homes and pets and wildlife are tragic but I suspect 2023 is going to be the year of fires in Nova Scotia.
For the record, I’m not in the direct path of any fires, but if I am you’ll definitely see my complaining about it on social media.
I feel like this represents me on May 28th and now on May 31st:
Meanwhile, today’s Dracula Daily is pretty short but I think the next one isn’t until June 5th, so why wait?
10 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Let Me Tell You About Whump
Good morning! It’s a beautiful day in Halifax, whetting our appetites for summer. I have work to do but hopefully I’ll be able to spend some time picking dandelions to make honey and booze while the temperature is above freezing. Maybe I’ll even get some ice cream.
I’m just realizing that Jonathan never remarks on the weather in Transylvania. Is it hot there this time of year? Rainy?
According to my notes, Dracula Daily slows down for a little bit from here, so I’m going to try to avoid stacking up more than one entry where I can. I wonder when we’ll get to hear about what happened at the sexy ménage à trois campfire?
May 28
Today we’re back with Jonathan, who is writing in his shorthand code. Some Romani have encamped in the courtyard.
9 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — A Reunion of Queer Cowboys
It’s Friday morning and I’m enjoying my coffee and looking forward to a long day of work followed by a weekend of more work because I overbooked myself this month and have so much shit to take care of. UGH. Freelancing has its downsides. I definitely lied in the post one or two back where I believed the rest of the month would be easier.
But before I go do work to pay rent and survive in capitalism (you can help me write more and suffer less!), I’m going to treat myself to some Dracula.
8 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Three For You and Three For Me
I’m writing from home again and no longer from my TTRPG workshop in the woods which was weirdly affirming and mind-blowing and I learned a lot about myself. It was kinda crazy. I did not encounter any ghosts, thankfully.
ANYWAY, May has been busy and now the rest of the month will (hopefully) be more relaxed. Instead of reading two Dracula Dailies at a time, I’ve decided to read this one right away since it seems pretty long and I’ve got the time while I recover from where the abyss stared back at me in the woods (there was love in its eyes).
May 24th
I had to look back to be sure that we’ve gotten two letters from Lucy in a row. If Mina sent a letter in reply to the last one, we aren’t being permitted to read it. Lucy opens by thanking Mina for her sweet letter, which is not for our eyes I guess.
7 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi – Missives From a Spooky Old House
May 18th
This was an annoying email to receive the day after the last post because it’s so short, but I didn’t want to make a new blog just for it.
6 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Love is Penetration
It’s horny vampire o’clock again!
May 15
I’ve missed out on noting that these entries note if Jonathan is using longhand (normal, readable by everyone) or shorthand (simplified, a bit like code to be able to write faster). Usually his journals are in shorthand but it seems appropriate to note this now since he said before that Mina understands his shorthand and it might otherwise be difficult to understand. Therefore, Dracula cannot read his diary.
5. Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Inconvenient Boners
May 11
The next entry does NOT bring us back to Jonathan! Lucy Westenra replies quickly to Mina’s previous letter saying she’s not as bad a correspondent as Mina would imply. Besides, she has absolutely nothing to write about, except for boys.
As to the tall, curly-haired man, I suppose it was the one who was with me at the last Pop.
I think my favorite thing about this book is that everyone’s just being mundane and ridiculous in a way that isn’t too far off from modern blogging, except that it also shows how far out 100 years is since the book was written. Cat meat man? Pop with a capital P? What are these people talking about? In my local dialect “pop” is our “soda pop” but I doubt she means that.
4 Let’s Read Dracula and Embellish Events a Bit
May 8
Jonathan learns that shaving can get dicey
Would you judge me if I told you I gasped when I read this at the top of the Dracula Daily email?
3 Let’s Read Dracula – The Truth About the Cat Meat Man, and Other Digressions
I want to open this one by saying that I’ve discovered that by cat meat, Jonathan wasn’t saying he eats cats. He was talking about a dude who sells leftover butcher meat for cats. A cat meat man. Probably stinky but wow, what a job. The meat is sold on skewers so the kebab comparison is valid. Animal cruelty aside, Jonathan is still pretty racist.