28 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Correspondent Shut-the-Fuck-Up Challenge

I’m really excited to finally get to chapters where Mina pastes things into her journal because I love making my journal into a scrapbook. Of course my “journal” is actually more like a daily planner, but having a small space where I can log events in bullet-point form if needed makes the whole process of keeping a journal much less daunting. That said, I love whenever I can have paper tickets to movies and shows to tape in. The more my planner can look like a scrapbook, the better.

This entry also reminds me that, for all the time I spent giving Stoker shit about never having weather, we have succeeded in having weather on the Demeter, and now here off the coast of Whitby. I guess a novel about a boat and a seaside town would be boring without weather since that’s all sailors and seaside people care or talk about, as you can see from this whole blog so far.

So yes, the following section is a cutting from The Daily Graph, which Mina has pasted into her journal.

HOLD THE PHONE, my copy of Dracula says that the paper is The Dailygraph. WHICH IS IT, DRACULA DAILY?

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27 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Mina the Folklorist

All right we’re back on track now! Just in time for our brief period of summer sun to give way to a forecast of two weeks of rain. Here’s hoping nobody else dies.

In other news I was reminded that I blogged here in…entry 5, 100 years ago that I bought This is How You Lose the Time War after some internet shenanigans. I thought you should know that I tried reading it and didn’t like it at all. I bought it because I love Trigun, I couldn’t finish it because I don’t like Trigun: Stampede.

One more piece of important news that I’m sure you don’t want to miss: Scruffy McFluffers, my foster cat, has finally gotten his shave. I’ve been trying to get it for him since the spring because he gets so terribly matted.

I tried to post a before and after photo but WordPress thinks my photos are too nice and huge and won’t upload them, so I guess you’ll have to just subscribe to my Patreon to see my very fluffy cat all naked.

Maybe it’s not smart to talk about cats on this blog because I will not shut up about cats.

Meanwhile, Mina is fretting about her fiancé again. Her wife is about to get a husband and it’ll be all wrong if they ruin the symmetry.

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26 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Accidentally a Deluxe Post

I fucked up. I thought the next few entries would be short ones about the Demeter and not some long-ass shit with Mina. Crap! I was busy being stressed about work, paying rent, and making memories in real life.

Well time for a deluxe entry. Sorry in advance.

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25 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — I Made Another Map

Ahoy, to the Demeter!

Demeter entries have been pretty small so far so I saved up the last few to read them all at once. I also don’t find these logs particularly horny, but maybe that is because I’m not strong enough yet as a fujoshi. I have to level up.

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24 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Mina and her Harem

It’s been a hard week and I’ve been working my ass off and next week is gonna suck too! It’s getting late and I’ve had a cider and the cats have had enough of waiting for dinner so I’m going to try to get through the past two entries as fast and as horny as possible, let’s go.

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23 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — I Drew a Map! Kind of

So since my last post we had a bit of flooding here (four people went missing from their waterlogged vehicles and haven’t been found) and, after the fires in June I can’t wait to see what’s next. Luckily, the premier assures us it’s not the time to talk about climate change, so I guess it has nothing to do with that. What a relief!

Two panels of the "this is fine" dog meme.

Pictured: Tim Houston, Probably (Original art by KC Green)

In the meantime things are getting spicy on the Demeter again.

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22 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Build-Your-Own Foodchain Part 2

I meant to write and post this yesterday (July 19th) but it was a long day and I was extremely tired and I didn’t get very far in my reading. I had a job test early in the day and was social all evening, which was tiring as an introvert, but it was good.

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21 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Lord Byron Sounds Like a Cunt

After a brief flirtation with sunshine it’s raining in Nova Scotia again. These bonus posts take so goddamn long that I left the intro for last and now I can’t think of anything to write. OH WAIT, I KNOW. A bunch of bugs have appeared in my house and I thought they were roaches, but they aren’t. The pest guy was delighted to inform me of this good news and did nothing for the bugs because he didn’t know what they were.

Dracula Daily resumes soon so here’s the bonus post I promised!

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20 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Build-Your-Own Foodchain

July 8th

Writing this a day late because this entry is so short that it’s just kind of disappointing. But it’s also worth noting that there’s a long break before the next entry, so I’ll try to get another bonus chapter in for you. I believe we’ll be fairly regularly busy from the time we come back to the end of the novel in November after this dry spell.

In Halifax the weather has been nice and hot and I’ve been spending as much time outside as I can, mostly gardening and reading. Also my apartment has a sudden and disturbing roach problem, so I wish Renfield were here to take them away for a project.

In London I imagine the weather is London-like. Dr. Lobotomy has some kind of half-formed idea he’s excited about, but gives us no details. He sees Renfield who has upgraded his flea circus to a pet sparrow, which is a huge improvement from flies and spiders, but he keeps a few of each in a long food chain that he can manage on his own; flies to spider to sparrow. What will come next?

Anyway this is all that’s here and it’s all I have. Stay tuned for a bonus chapter soon to make up for this.

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19 Let’s Read Dracula Like a Fujoshi — Consensual Sexy Gay Roleplay

Hello all! It looks like this will be another break after this entry, if I’m not mistaken, so I might as well just write up a post for it.

I also feel the need to note that today is Canada Day! Which I like to call Colonialism Day (#landback). Most of this blog has been written while I occupy the unceded land of the Mi’kmaq people. Luckily this city is centering a lot of indigenous voices for the holiday, and has been for the past few years now. Regardless, under the yoke of capitalism, we deserve to take full advantage of our few government-mandated holidays, especially in the summer. Unfortunately it’s pretty gloomy outside and we probably won’t be seeing the sun until Wednesday, so party vibes are limited.

As for our entry today, we go back to Renfield and Dr. Lobotomy.

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