All right we’re back on track now! Just in time for our brief period of summer sun to give way to a forecast of two weeks of rain. Here’s hoping nobody else dies.
In other news I was reminded that I blogged here in…entry 5, 100 years ago that I bought This is How You Lose the Time War after some internet shenanigans. I thought you should know that I tried reading it and didn’t like it at all. I bought it because I love Trigun, I couldn’t finish it because I don’t like Trigun: Stampede.
One more piece of important news that I’m sure you don’t want to miss: Scruffy McFluffers, my foster cat, has finally gotten his shave. I’ve been trying to get it for him since the spring because he gets so terribly matted.
I tried to post a before and after photo but WordPress thinks my photos are too nice and huge and won’t upload them, so I guess you’ll have to just subscribe to my Patreon to see my very fluffy cat all naked.
Maybe it’s not smart to talk about cats on this blog because I will not shut up about cats.
Meanwhile, Mina is fretting about her fiancé again. Her wife is about to get a husband and it’ll be all wrong if they ruin the symmetry.